December 2015 Newsletter


December 2015 Newsletter

November ends, and the last month of 2016 has begun. This year, in reflection, has been one of the toughest, and yet the most rewarding years in my life, and that of DasWyrd. We set out to publish our first novel and not only did we accomplish that but we are on tract to completing our second Kickstarter! We did our first, and overshot our capabilities, and learned. So altogether while there were challenges for us and myself specifically the year has shown us that we can tackle goliath if we have that in mind. But, now it is also time to consider what we face in the year to come. DasWyrd Press is a Publisher with an activist mindset, and we are here to profess an outright stake in expanding representation and normalizing LGBT story for mass media. This next year we face even greater challenges for ourselves, and for members of the communities we support.

Thus we took a stand to establish a safe space for our fans and for people needing a place to recover in the upset of the American Election (and the hate that has erupted since then). We took a Literary Pledge to right by QUEER Identities in our books. This has been a tough year filled with a lot of problems. Since David Bowie pass on we have lost many great individuals and many emmers to violence. DasWyrd though remains dedicated to our ideals, and so we open this last month focused on them and always improving who we are.


November Round-Up


Events in December

  • DasVlog -Trigger Warnings – 12/09
  • Walk the Crossroads | Episode 28 – 12/18
  • Kickstarter Completion – 12/22


Language Documents

The work on the language documents will begin slowly over the next few months which means that our content updates will be shrunk to allow extra time for the work on the early documents. One problem we face right now being the limited vocabulary of the languages themselves. Rules exist some of the languages, but many of them are only a few words used for terminology or short dialogue in the novels. A full breathing conlang takes a lot of time to develop and so we need time to expand the rules of Crescent Tongue and a living document to create for the Dictionary.

When ready we will post the documents and update their status, and make them full downloadable pdfs.



From November 23rd of to the 22nd of this month, we are (as it is going on right as of this Newsletter) holding our encore Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for our small limited edition print-run. As of this post we have raised 47% of our overall goal of $1,200 dollars, and we are only about ten days into our campaign!  If we accomplish our goal we will be able to produce one hundred paperbacks and twenty hardbacks at least.