Tag: Conlang


What the Sierd is Avalonic Technology? Part 3

“To know war, is to truly live.” -Ice-Razor proverb The Ice-Razor School has a simple proverb, “To know war, is to truly live. To know peace, is to await death.” A saying that epitomizes the near constant state of war that has existed since the First Expansion Era. Even when the Faeru were at peace […]


Elder Tongue | Part 2: Nouns

Elder Tongue is an interesting language which modern mundane ensorceled scholars predict has had an undue influence on the Celtic languages of Europe and other Indo-European languages. The similar sounds found in it and the Celtic languages has created numerous theories as to how the Fae influenced certain peoples across the world. Even the usage […]


Elder Tongue | Part 1: Phonology & Mutations

The languages of the Fae are widespread and unique across the Oak Cross universe. Many of them present themselves as the proto-language of common tongues found today. The Moon Water People found in Agaera speak an early form of Proto-Salishan, and the languages used by other groups often mirrors population of their local territory. This […]


Out on Kilohana

A quiet place. A small old plantation house that was built across a long hallway like porch. Screens surrounded the porch to and formed along the edges of a beautiful garden. Tall plants with hornlike branches, and grey bark reached toward a open sky that was clean and without the unruly corruption of man. Ranches […]


Why I build Languages

One of my greatest passion is the creation, and advancement of language. Advancement through understanding how other languages expression meaning, and the creation as an artistic means of coming to comprehend the greater levels of meaning found in everyday words. This is a central notion of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis which in general states “language shapes how people see […]


Aɲazo Overview (The Amazon Language)

Aɲazo is the language of the Aɲazones people. Having a lengthy history Aɲazo has existed in one form or another for well over a thousand years. It has over this period of time undergone serious evolution, and lingual change. For years it shared serious similarities with languages Mongolian, or even Uighur. But after moving far to the […]


Gazetteer is Coming!

For the past several months I have wanted to write a few essays, and short pieces about the worlds I work on. Actual lore entries that fans can dig into to understand the Nine. So in the future as I get more time from my shifting work habits (I will soon no longer be working […]