Tag: cybernetics


What Sierd is Avalonic Techonology? Part 1

“We shall become not unlike gods with the power we possess.” -Agathe the Wise, Technologist of the Alchemists Guild The history of the Triad and beyond is driven by infrequent manifestations of technological glory. Some among even the Faeru have often wondered why the technological advancement of the Avalon Cluster has come in such a […]


What the Sierd is Tek?

The Knights Imperial could unleash the power of lightning, fire and the spirits of the dead. Such terrible and wonderful powers now reside in today’s Errants, Star-Gods have mercy upon us all. -Cyrus the Elder, Scholar of Duzahk The Imperial Archives tell stories of Genics who would training and strange archaic surgery could wield power […]


Who the Sierd are the Helogav?

Some call them the Star-Lepers, the Plagued, the Phage-Carriers. Their name in Elder Tongue is Helogaemh which means “The Corrupted”. The youngest race in the history of the Avalon Cluster, is also the most tumultuous and chaotic since the creation of the Soulgiven. Born not from genetics, nor from manipulation or even a cult the Helogav […]


Who the Sierd are the Arashii?

Their name was the Araishaeránnu, the Returned Ones, the cybernetic dead who would become some of the greatest smiths and scientists in the Triad. The creation, and birth of the Arashii (a derivative of their Elder Tongue name) began with a project known as Dark Scarab, a secretive attempt to prolong life in the strange […]