Tag: Fae Courts


Winter 2018 Newsletter

There is no excuse for the fact that I haven’t written in a long time and it’s been an ongoing sense of disconnect which has been a problem this past year. The drive to write has come and go in a back and forth pull which has refused to let me actually make much headway. […]


January 2018 Newsletter

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Crossroads dear mortals. After a thin two months and quiet work, we here at DasWyrd strive to make some simple and yet -lasting- goals in the days and weeks to come. In reflection of 2017, we can say that we aimed a little too high and thus have […]


March 2017 Newsletter

Hello Wyrdkin! Did you enjoy February? Because we did! A lot happened this past February including a jump in traffic to our website and increasing interest in our publications. But enough about that, let’s talk about what we are planning on doing in for the final month of the First Quarter of 2017!   Quarter […]


January 2017 Newsletter

The year 2016 was a mixed bag for most of the world. A lot of really annoying things happened and we lost a lot of just simply great and pivotal people this year. We saw the United Kingdom vote to “Brexit” from the European Union, and the United States elected simply the worst president since […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 28: Tek and Psi Intro

It is time to discuss the powers of the mind known as Tek in the LITS universe! Tek is the power to manipulate the rare Genic mutation which gifts the user to unleash powerful attacks of Psionic energy! In Land in the Stars these individuals come in three variants. Errants who serve as the warrior […]


Themes: Urban Fantasy

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching — they are your family. ” -Jim Butcher When fantasy leaves the confines of older periods of history it starts to linger into the modern day. From the world of the penny dreadful was awakened a love of horror, blood, and mystery. […]


What the Sierd is Stem Tek? Part 1

“The power of Psi surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds all as one.” -Old Errant Proverb. The power of Proto-Synergetic Induction is one that only a limited few in the Triad are able to command. Individuals who can command the power of Psi energy are known as “Genics” and are a rare few often considered […]


The Fae Courts of Agaera

Mortals think there are four courts, and there are, but they always get the name wrong. We are not Seelie or Unseelie, nor do we align to direction or season. No our courts are named for the gods. The Fae of Agaera are a superstitious and pretentious bunch. Their very existence is driven by interest […]


Character Sketch: Niall Ó Mórrígan-Mór

Never, anger a Raven. -Niall Taoiseach Niall Ó Mórrígan-Mór is one of the more complicated male characters that I developed over the years. He was born from an interest in the tragic heroes of Celtic mythology, and the epic warriors of pulp fiction. When I traversed the wooded areas and the bogs of Ireland I […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 23 – Confrontation

 DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. The stairs passed through one more floor, and she ignored the locked doors on either side. Running past the landing she then made […]