Tag: Fae Courts


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 22 – Tides Come

 DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Night met her with an embrace of chilled wind, and alpine aromas. The trees were already root deep in snow as the area […]


Elder Tongue | Part 2: Nouns

Elder Tongue is an interesting language which modern mundane ensorceled scholars predict has had an undue influence on the Celtic languages of Europe and other Indo-European languages. The similar sounds found in it and the Celtic languages has created numerous theories as to how the Fae influenced certain peoples across the world. Even the usage […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 21 – Yuletide

 DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. A few days after meeting with Jennifer and Nyla was still unsure of what she had seen. She had left the Dive-Bomb with […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 17 – Widow’s Lament

 DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. A flurry of activity occurred within the first few hours after she spoke to Jack. She had perhaps half the day left, if […]


Elder Tongue | Part 1: Phonology & Mutations

The languages of the Fae are widespread and unique across the Oak Cross universe. Many of them present themselves as the proto-language of common tongues found today. The Moon Water People found in Agaera speak an early form of Proto-Salishan, and the languages used by other groups often mirrors population of their local territory. This […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 3 – Gate Blocked

DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Shadey Meadows, a small yet pristinely kept private set of estates made up on the southwestern edge of Bellingham. Having been built by […]


A New Chapter On Life

Whoa, its done. The GRE is completely, and utterly done. That morning was just an ongoing series of sleeping; staring at computer screens; and then spending time with my uncle. It was a fun day outside of taking a test I’ve silently come to abhor. i say the words abhor mostly because it was like […]


Why I build Languages

One of my greatest passion is the creation, and advancement of language. Advancement through understanding how other languages expression meaning, and the creation as an artistic means of coming to comprehend the greater levels of meaning found in everyday words. This is a central notion of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis which in general states “language shapes how people see […]