Tag: fae


A New Chapter On Life

Whoa, its done. The GRE is completely, and utterly done. That morning was just an ongoing series of sleeping; staring at computer screens; and then spending time with my uncle. It was a fun day outside of taking a test I’ve silently come to abhor. i say the words abhor mostly because it was like […]



Just over a week remains until I walk in to take the General Record Examinations, or the infamous GRE. This is a test (for those of you who have forgotten about it, or don’t know about it) that is aimed at admissions for graduate programs. Surprised to say I did not know I needed to […]


Who the Sierd are the Helogav?

Some call them the Star-Lepers, the Plagued, the Phage-Carriers. Their name in Elder Tongue is Helogaemh which means “The Corrupted”. The youngest race in the history of the Avalon Cluster, is also the most tumultuous and chaotic since the creation of the Soulgiven. Born not from genetics, nor from manipulation or even a cult the Helogav […]


Why I build Languages

One of my greatest passion is the creation, and advancement of language. Advancement through understanding how other languages expression meaning, and the creation as an artistic means of coming to comprehend the greater levels of meaning found in everyday words. This is a central notion of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis which in general states “language shapes how people see […]


NaNoWriMo 2014, Walk Between Shadows

Last Saturday marked the beginning of National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. I have participated for the past few years beginning in 2010 when I first wrote the piece known as “Weeping Skies” the first novel in the Age of Sky Sail series. The next year I wrote part of the sequel known as “Insurgent […]