Tag: Faery


July 2016 Newsletter

June has already passed us and the final half of 2016 has begun! This was a dark and strange eerie month to experience in so many ways, and in other, it was a means of understanding problems still facing the world. This last month was Pride, rainbows were up and we remembered the lives that […]


The Fae Courts of Agaera

Mortals think there are four courts, and there are, but they always get the name wrong. We are not Seelie or Unseelie, nor do we align to direction or season. No our courts are named for the gods. The Fae of Agaera are a superstitious and pretentious bunch. Their very existence is driven by interest […]


Ethics and Morals – Bad Words

Endure as the mountain, flow as the river. ~Amazonian Proverb TRIGGER WARNING: Harsh Language, and Pejoratives. My original blog was a lengthy discussion on pejoratives and communication. However, after some thought, I’ve decided to tie this in more to writing itself. The problem with “bad words” that we often face is how to deal with […]


DasWyrd – Future Projects List

Hello everyone! This is me, Padraig O’C aka “ShadowedSin” and with my upcoming move to the United Kingdom. This is to establish a rough veritable timeline of projects for the next few years to allow the DasWyrd team to get its feet wet and slowly move into creating a development schedule. This is to help […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 14: Jades, Elder Folk, and Demons

This week we discuss the final three primary religions of the Avalon Cluster (that we know of). First being the Jaded Path, a religion dedicated to finding one’s inner Tranquility and awakening from the Despair around them. Second, the Thousandfold, an ancient series of shamanic traditions united in the face of heavy persecution from the […]


Character Sketch: Niall Ó Mórrígan-Mór

Never, anger a Raven. -Niall Taoiseach Niall Ó Mórrígan-Mór is one of the more complicated male characters that I developed over the years. He was born from an interest in the tragic heroes of Celtic mythology, and the epic warriors of pulp fiction. When I traversed the wooded areas and the bogs of Ireland I […]


Walk Between Shadows | Epilogue

DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. The pines that grew upon the mountain side were brushed, and pushed by the harsh airy winds that caming whipping up the from […]


What the Sierd of the Third Imperial Era?

Trystan’s sacrifice is on my soul, his blood is on arms, his voice is on my lips, and his desire in my heart. -Gwyn oc Artur, Warrior-Queen of Avalon The Third Imperial Era opens in a time of upheaval as the death of Trystan oc Artur catapults the once backwater family of Artur to power […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 24 – Resting Up

 DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. A day passed, and the night lingered on. An old saying decries that no rest is gifted to the wicked, and mayhap there […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 23 – Confrontation

 DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. The stairs passed through one more floor, and she ignored the locked doors on either side. Running past the landing she then made […]