Tag: fantasy


August 2018 Newsletter

August arrived without too much notice, and I must apologize for the lateness of the newsletter this month. This year alone has proven greatly taxing and it has at times making it difficult to gain the motivation to work on the blog let alone projects related to the blog itself. The goal of completing the […]


July 2018 Newsletter

Pride month has finally left us and while May was a hard month, June was a bit of fresh air! Unlike previous months I have had a good amount of energy to move forward with ThreeFold Seer. However, the major focus for a lot of my plans for the month heavily focused on Seattle Pride. […]


April 2018 Newsleter

April has come, and it has come on a sad note. This last month has been quite stressful as a friend of mine passed away in the last few weeks and the stress of the loss has hit me hard. This has coincided with an increase in my hormone dosage and I think it’s causing […]


Themes: Magical Girl

“In the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!” -Sailor Moon, Leader of the Sailor Senshi Ah yes, life is complicated and it’s all due to some little magical item in your life. Be it an artifact gifting you the power of an ancient warrior, the point of the Magical Girl Genre is how modern […]


February 2018 Newsletter

This year is proving to be off to a productive start! Earlier last month when I moved to do some serious running I sadly found a lot of my progress on ThreeFold Seer Vol. 2 to be missing. Apparently, an entire series of chapters from 21 back to 13 had simply vanished. The next two […]


Darker Dungeons: The Power of Polities

“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” -Alexander the Great World creation is one of the toughest and most challenging skills one can undertake in writing. Part of the problem stems not from just the characters and peoples within it, but also the various political entities that inhabit it. It is one thing […]


Nov & Dec 2017 Newsletter

A month has passed and a small unexpected hiatus. This last month or so a lot of change in my life caused an abrupt shifted in my life. I have a new puppy as well as a new day job which has changed life enough for me to lose track of time. In particular, this […]


Happy Samhain, LITS ALPHA IS HERE!

The fae will pierce the veil and walk among the kindred of mortals soon! Or so they claim in the various forms across the Nine Worlds of the Oak Cross! For those who celebrate Samhain, enjoy, set the table for your loved ones and remember to respect the old gods. For those who are going […]


Darker Dungeons: The Empire

“We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger. We move forward as one people: the Imperial citizens of the first Galactic Empire. We will prevail. Ten thousand years of peace begins today.” -Declaration of New Order, the Galactic Empire What is so interesting about the The Empire is the various opportunities it offers as a backsetting […]