Tag: fantasy


Who the Sierd are Errants?

“Blood is the currency we pay, to live” -The First Revelation To live and die at the behest of a sworn master is not an easy task. Most Errants question their liege silently and behind their backs. Though they are the preeminent warriors of the Triad, the Errant Class are carefully watched for any sign […]


Themes: The Weird West

“Mm. I was always more comfortable around numbers than people. I could control numbers. “ The Swede, Hell on Wheels If Dreadpunk had a western cousin then it would be the Weird West, a fantasy driven genre which takes the American romanticized Wild West and injects all the beloved mythology often attached to it. The […]


What the Sierd is Meta?

“We serve the Empire with distinction and honor.” The will of the Empire can at times require great sacrifice and on pushing aside prejudice to accomplish something. Meta, a rare form of Tek, allows for the modification of Soulgiven and gifts them with the ability to draw Psi energy from internalized batteries found inside their […]


Darker Dungeons: The Five Races

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings We have delved repeatedly into how to build a world and manipulate the points of interest that go into designing it. This is our opening work which allows the creator to decide the basics of the world, and how to […]


Themes: Dreadpunk

“What we both are. I have run from the darkness for so long… only to find myself in a place darker still. ” -Vanessa Ives, Penny Dreadful What lurks in the shadows around a street corner? What requires eldritch fright to power its cthonian power? Is it the second coming of prophecies long forgotten? Or […]


Darker Dungeons: Researching Tropes

TvTropes.com is a massive time sink that always draws me and ends up devouring hours of my life. Over time it has become a reference point and resources for me as a writer. First, it was reading about the different kinds of villain existed out there and then the kinds of plot goals. The more and […]


Sketch: Princess Sik’anzi

Ielaasik’anzi nii Ganee Princess Sik’anzi of Ganee There are very few figures as important in Crescent history as Sky Seer Sik’anzi. She was born in the year TA 0.71 (year 71 of the Torn Age) to Queen Kilanii Hawkrider and King Akai of Ganee. Her birth was the result of an extensive series of negotiations […]


Darker Dungeons: Choosing a Theme

At the heart of every creation are the themes which inspired it, and form its foundation. Previously, we discussed the reasons why and how to choose a foundation. From therein the creator forms and decides how their work will evolve. Part of making that foundation and weaving the creative result is what themes an artist […]


Darker Dungeons: Building Foundation

Last night began the small and comical experience called the Pundry Chronicles, and one of the more whimsical worlds I’ve seen as a player. Right from the get go the game was light hearted, with overtones of humor and fun. The point of this campaign was fun, and honestly, I felt like I was playing a […]


Darker Dungeons – Woetide Introduction

The game begins, and the players are ready for the excitement to start. Their destination is a stereotypical gathering of the party to move the story along! A grand feast is held in their honor, and the players are invited to partake. A grand palazzo of an eastern Noble awaits them as one by one […]