Tag: fey


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 2

Episode 2 of Walk the Crossroads is here! This week we discuss the inspiration and themes prevalent throughout the Oak Cross Universe. In addition, I discuss some of the book series which have heavily influenced my writing direction: Millennium Trilogy, Wizard of Earthsea etc.


LiTS Anecdotes | Prisoner

Darkness. Darkness greeted the vision of the prisoner, as the a deep sense of grim reality fell upon them. They had been kept within the depths of the dungeon for more than a year. Wires ran along the floor as the prisoner tried to open their eyes, and could not. They were locked within their […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 2 – Contacts

DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Bellingham, Washington. A town formed from four others in the past. It was not really a town, but a small city with its […]


A New Chapter On Life

Whoa, its done. The GRE is completely, and utterly done. That morning was just an ongoing series of sleeping; staring at computer screens; and then spending time with my uncle. It was a fun day outside of taking a test I’ve silently come to abhor. i say the words abhor mostly because it was like […]