Tag: land in the stars


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 25: The Wak’a Mecha

This month on Land in the Stars we bring another short lore podcast on the Mecha Technology of the Avalon Cluster. Wak’a are the mysterious feather cloaked mecha of the Itsuyo Kingship and piloted by the ferocious Knights of Balam. These religious zealots seek to conquer the Avalon Cluster entirely to bring about the foretold […]


July 2016 Newsletter

June has already passed us and the final half of 2016 has begun! This was a dark and strange eerie month to experience in so many ways, and in other, it was a means of understanding problems still facing the world. This last month was Pride, rainbows were up and we remembered the lives that […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 24: Eoten Mecha

Our end of the month podcast returns with a short lore discussion on the mysterious and infamous Eoten Mecha. These Mecha are some of the most feared across the entire Triad. Piloted by the Gwagaruh in raids against Avalonic forces, they come in three primary forms and in many other frightening variations!


Themes: Hard Sci-Fi

“Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped.”  ― Andy Weir, The Martian There are so many different stories told that deal with space and the wonders of the last great frontier. Not everyone though loves a story about hyperdrives and invading aliens. […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 23: LiTS Roll System

The basis of the system is a D20 (Twenty Sided Dice) rolled for each participant. Players who participate each roll a D20, and the highest number wins all. If players have a related skill to the roll they can turn the rank into a modifier (a number added) applied to the roll. If you want […]


What the Sierd are Avalonic Mecha? Part 2

“The rage of the ascendant consumes the eternal.” Mecha across the Empire and beyond are bear many names. They are named for their model, and the reputation they gain in battle. Some carry names such as the Black Knight, Red Maelstrom and Tempest Thunder. All of this information is recorded and easily referenced using the […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 20: Mecha of Avalon

The Mecha of Avalon have fought in long wars, and are used by many factions. From the terrifying Eoten, the valiant Chevalier, to the fearsome mysterious Wak’a. Plumb the secrets of these bio-logical weapons, and learn the technologies that give them life.


What the Sierd are Avalonic Starships? Part 2

“Its a hard enough life, full of toil an’ strife we astraliners undergo!” The life of those who work the star lanes is far from easy and is one filled with trouble. Every astraliner knows that the Sea of Stars is far from forgiving. Only a few thin layers of seal protect everyone who sails […]


On Holiday!

Currently here on Holiday in the United States and relaxing before heading back to Brookes. This is a minor update blog as I’m taking a minor hiatus from content work other than background writing. Right now Threefold is off to the Beta Readers and will be continuing its editing phase for the next few weeks. […]
