
ThreeFold Day!

ThreeFold Seer finally comes out tomorrow!! After years of work, DasWyrd is going to be throwing a small Launch Party in our hometown of Bellingham, WA. It’s not a long one, but we hope to gather for around an hour from 5pm to 6pm on the 16th! Stop by and meeting the author (me Padraig […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 27: Chevalier Models

Another Lore Episode focused on the fantastical Mecha of the LiTS Universe! This time we discuss the different forms and models of Chevalier! See six examples of the starting models currently in the game as we move forward with design, and learn about the Grades of Chevalier.


We Are Here For You!

The DasWyrd Team and the Wyrdkin Community is here for everyone hit hard by recent events in the United States. Why you may be feeling emotions of fear, anxiety, and trepidation, we offer ourselves as a safe haven and space for those who need it! Our dream is to become a publisher who breaks boundaries […]


November 2016 Newsletter

  The month has come, and we are at the precipice of one of the biggest moments in the existence of DasWyrd Press. We are about ready to launch our first novel to ever be released by our publisher. More than ten years worth of work and a long process from 2015 into 2016 has […]


Theme: Low Fantasy

This is Berk. It snows nine months of the year, and hails the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so. The only upsides are the pets. While other places have ponies or parrots… we have… dragons. -Hiccup of Berk, How to Tame […]


October 2016 Newsletter

Hey, everyone! This past month has been very quiet from us here at DasWyrd Press and especially me. The crunch that occurred happened because of the project I needed to finish my master’s degree. This resulted in me having to push the completion of the epub, and focusing a lot of time on making sure […]


ThreeFold Seer Vol 1 Releases November 16th!

Well over a year ago I started to pen the book that set everything in motion. After years of saying that I would publish a book that dream is finally coming to fruition! It took a while, but finally, I am proud to announce that on November 16th of this year DasWyrd Press will publish its first […]


September 2016 Newsletter

Another month passes us by and work at DasWyrd Press grows ever closer to our final goal for this year. Over a year ago we pitched the idea of writing a book and then turned I brought the idea of launching a publishing company as a project. Even now I work on the final design […]


August 2016 Newsletter

Hello, again Wyrdkin! DasWyrd Press’ work continues as we forge ahead with the eventual release of our first novel. We have yet to set a specific release date, but we are currently aiming for Mid-November. Why we haven’t set a hard date yet is mostly all the work going into my last minute work for Oxford […]