Tag: mecha


What the Sierd Avalonic Mecha? Part 1

“Master works of power, and the playthings of self-proclaimed Kings and Queens.” Mecha were developed in the ending years of the Second Expansion Era by members of the secretive scientists and smiths of Excalibur Station. However, these were only the first Faerin models, with earlier variants appearing under the direct control Gwagaruh. The Eoten first […]


What the Sierd are Avalonic Starships? Part 2

“Its a hard enough life, full of toil an’ strife we astraliners undergo!” The life of those who work the star lanes is far from easy and is one filled with trouble. Every astraliner knows that the Sea of Stars is far from forgiving. Only a few thin layers of seal protect everyone who sails […]


What the Sierd are Avalonic Starships? Part 1

“Drop to Sail-shift and prepare to fire.” The Avalonic Starship is a thing of terror, beauty, and over-wrought elegance. A recreation of ancient sailing vessels that once plied the seas of Elys and Aru. These combinations have changed over time as the need for design and defense have further evolved the ongoing standardization of solar […]


What the Sierd of the Third Imperial Era?

Trystan’s sacrifice is on my soul, his blood is on arms, his voice is on my lips, and his desire in my heart. -Gwyn oc Artur, Warrior-Queen of Avalon The Third Imperial Era opens in a time of upheaval as the death of Trystan oc Artur catapults the once backwater family of Artur to power […]


LiTS Anecdotes | Prisoner

Darkness. Darkness greeted the vision of the prisoner, as the a deep sense of grim reality fell upon them. They had been kept within the depths of the dungeon for more than a year. Wires ran along the floor as the prisoner tried to open their eyes, and could not. They were locked within their […]