Tag: mythology


DasVlog | Episode 1 – Gender Identity

For the first DasVlog I attempt to discuss the notion of Gender Identity and the diversity of the world. Because of the vastness of human expression I wanted to show the experiences of people and provide greater representation through my writing. For references mentioned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkan_… – Balkan Sworn Virgins https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-Spirit – Two Spirits of North […]


What the Sierd Avalonic Mecha? Part 1

“Master works of power, and the playthings of self-proclaimed Kings and Queens.” Mecha were developed in the ending years of the Second Expansion Era by members of the secretive scientists and smiths of Excalibur Station. However, these were only the first Faerin models, with earlier variants appearing under the direct control Gwagaruh. The Eoten first […]


Themes: Ethics

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Ethics are an interesting subject to ponder when writing. What kind of morals are your characters going to have? Is the world driven by black and white systems of seeing the world? Or is it all grimdark like Warhammer 40k? […]


The Fae Courts of Agaera

Mortals think there are four courts, and there are, but they always get the name wrong. We are not Seelie or Unseelie, nor do we align to direction or season. No our courts are named for the gods. The Fae of Agaera are a superstitious and pretentious bunch. Their very existence is driven by interest […]


On Holiday!

Currently here on Holiday in the United States and relaxing before heading back to Brookes. This is a minor update blog as I’m taking a minor hiatus from content work other than background writing. Right now Threefold is off to the Beta Readers and will be continuing its editing phase for the next few weeks. […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 18: Threefold Dec 2015

Writing the first Volume of Threefold Seer has been a long and fun challenge to undertake, but the initial writing is over and its time to move forward! This week in WtC we discuss the foundation of the Shattered Crescent, and the future of Threefold universe.  


November ThreeFold Update

In the Age of Spirit, the Goddesses walked the world. Chiefest among their beloved followers were the people of the Shimmering Isles, whom the Goddess of Sea named Wave Riders So grand were the works of the Wave Riders that they built shining cities with grand minarets, with golden and ivory palaces, and farmed spices […]


What Sierd is Avalonic Techonology? Part 1

“We shall become not unlike gods with the power we possess.” -Agathe the Wise, Technologist of the Alchemists Guild The history of the Triad and beyond is driven by infrequent manifestations of technological glory. Some among even the Faeru have often wondered why the technological advancement of the Avalon Cluster has come in such a […]


DasWyrd – Future Projects List

Hello everyone! This is me, Padraig O’C aka “ShadowedSin” and with my upcoming move to the United Kingdom. This is to establish a rough veritable timeline of projects for the next few years to allow the DasWyrd team to get its feet wet and slowly move into creating a development schedule. This is to help […]