Tag: news


September 2017 Newsletter

Almost a year ago, a lot was going on that would make or break DasWyrd Press. I personally went away and moved to the United Kingdom for a year and last year marked a return from that period of training. Now, a year at home has passed us by and life is still changing. My […]


August 2017 Newsletter

August has come! And already our newsletter is a bit late and I’m sorry about that. I moved to another town just a half hour south of my previous home, and I’m still setting things up to restore full DasWyrd operations. For now, however, it’s time to talk about the future and some big upcoming […]


We Are Here For You!

The DasWyrd Team and the Wyrdkin Community is here for everyone hit hard by recent events in the United States. Why you may be feeling emotions of fear, anxiety, and trepidation, we offer ourselves as a safe haven and space for those who need it! Our dream is to become a publisher who breaks boundaries […]


October 2016 Newsletter

Hey, everyone! This past month has been very quiet from us here at DasWyrd Press and especially me. The crunch that occurred happened because of the project I needed to finish my master’s degree. This resulted in me having to push the completion of the epub, and focusing a lot of time on making sure […]


September 2016 Newsletter

Another month passes us by and work at DasWyrd Press grows ever closer to our final goal for this year. Over a year ago we pitched the idea of writing a book and then turned I brought the idea of launching a publishing company as a project. Even now I work on the final design […]


Site Update

When the dreamer awakes, the world shall be torn asunder. -Nuadan Prophecies Arteɲei Shunle, Artemis to you, as the Amazones say. Hello everyone, this is Padraic O’C aka ShadowedSin, and I’ve recently updated the design and look of the site! After two years of a lighter design I’ve decided to adopted a darker skin in […]


Getting Ready for Brookes

Brookes College is looming over the horizon. A truth of my life that is altogether wonderful and terrifying all at once. It will not be teh first time I have gone to study abroad, in fac this will be my second trip to stay in the British Isles. It’ll be my second time in a […]


A New Chapter On Life

Whoa, its done. The GRE is completely, and utterly done. That morning was just an ongoing series of sleeping; staring at computer screens; and then spending time with my uncle. It was a fun day outside of taking a test I’ve silently come to abhor. i say the words abhor mostly because it was like […]



Just over a week remains until I walk in to take the General Record Examinations, or the infamous GRE. This is a test (for those of you who have forgotten about it, or don’t know about it) that is aimed at admissions for graduate programs. Surprised to say I did not know I needed to […]