Tag: non-binary


August 2018 Newsletter

August arrived without too much notice, and I must apologize for the lateness of the newsletter this month. This year alone has proven greatly taxing and it has at times making it difficult to gain the motivation to work on the blog let alone projects related to the blog itself. The goal of completing the […]


April 2018 Newsleter

April has come, and it has come on a sad note. This last month has been quite stressful as a friend of mine passed away in the last few weeks and the stress of the loss has hit me hard. This has coincided with an increase in my hormone dosage and I think it’s causing […]


March 2018 Newsletter

February was a stressful month filled with new discoveries and considerations. The latest thing to occur this month is an ongoing challenge continuing into March which will see five new Sk’eeo words invented a day. So far close to more than thirty of the things have been added to the dictionary. When this challenge is […]


Darker Dungeons: The Power of Polities

“There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” -Alexander the Great World creation is one of the toughest and most challenging skills one can undertake in writing. Part of the problem stems not from just the characters and peoples within it, but also the various political entities that inhabit it. It is one thing […]


October 2017 Newsletter

Fall is officially here as the time of the long nights return! Samhain is just around the corner and the Fae and our remembered past ones will soon return. Hello from DasWyrd your resident indie LGBT publisher who has a few practicing folkore buffs are ready to celebrate a few good old pagan holidays and […]


September 2017 Newsletter

Almost a year ago, a lot was going on that would make or break DasWyrd Press. I personally went away and moved to the United Kingdom for a year and last year marked a return from that period of training. Now, a year at home has passed us by and life is still changing. My […]


Darker Dungeons: The Evil Horde

“MY LIFE FOR THE HORDE” -War Cry of the Horde on Azeroth From the east, they are said to come to a vast horde of unrelenting ferocity and savage hunger. They move like a great wave out of their far homeland and conquer the “Civilized” lands like a plague. An evil horde is often composed of […]


What the Sierd is Meta?

“We serve the Empire with distinction and honor.” The will of the Empire can at times require great sacrifice and on pushing aside prejudice to accomplish something. Meta, a rare form of Tek, allows for the modification of Soulgiven and gifts them with the ability to draw Psi energy from internalized batteries found inside their […]


Darker Dungeons: The Five Races

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings We have delved repeatedly into how to build a world and manipulate the points of interest that go into designing it. This is our opening work which allows the creator to decide the basics of the world, and how to […]


June 2017 Newsletter

Another June has come and another May has gone, and more has happened in the realm of DasWyrd! This month will see DasWyrd releasing celebrating more than six months after the release of (8 months in fact) of our first novel! After all the work we did our novel has sold a few copies and […]