Tag: Nyla Clarkson


Themes: Urban Fantasy

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching — they are your family. ” -Jim Butcher When fantasy leaves the confines of older periods of history it starts to linger into the modern day. From the world of the penny dreadful was awakened a love of horror, blood, and mystery. […]


August 2016 Newsletter

Hello, again Wyrdkin! DasWyrd Press’ work continues as we forge ahead with the eventual release of our first novel. We have yet to set a specific release date, but we are currently aiming for Mid-November. Why we haven’t set a hard date yet is mostly all the work going into my last minute work for Oxford […]


DasVlog | Episode 1 – Gender Identity

For the first DasVlog I attempt to discuss the notion of Gender Identity and the diversity of the world. Because of the vastness of human expression I wanted to show the experiences of people and provide greater representation through my writing. For references mentioned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkan_… – Balkan Sworn Virgins https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-Spirit – Two Spirits of North […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 22: Diversity

Our latest episode discusses how diversity can be used in storytelling and the strengths it brings. However, we don’t just talk diversity as a concept in expanding racial, gender or sexual orientation representation, but rather having a diverse group of characters. New points of view add to the story and when balanced create different ways […]


A New Story Around the Bend

My lovely stay in Kilohana, on Maui has finally come to an end. After ten days on that wonderful Island, I’ve slowly spent time working on a new novel idea. This one was just something I’ve wanted to write, but the problem was I didn’t have a name for it. I’m a bit weird in […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 1 – Thrice-Bound

DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. “GOOD MORNING BELLINGHAM!” a voice blared through the clock radio as new light started to brush the shutters of the window, and right […]


Why I build Languages

One of my greatest passion is the creation, and advancement of language. Advancement through understanding how other languages expression meaning, and the creation as an artistic means of coming to comprehend the greater levels of meaning found in everyday words. This is a central notion of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis which in general states “language shapes how people see […]


NaNoWriMo 2014, Walk Between Shadows

Last Saturday marked the beginning of National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. I have participated for the past few years beginning in 2010 when I first wrote the piece known as “Weeping Skies” the first novel in the Age of Sky Sail series. The next year I wrote part of the sequel known as “Insurgent […]