Tag: occult


July 2018 Newsletter

Pride month has finally left us and while May was a hard month, June was a bit of fresh air! Unlike previous months I have had a good amount of energy to move forward with ThreeFold Seer. However, the major focus for a lot of my plans for the month heavily focused on Seattle Pride. […]


What the Sierd is Meta?

“We serve the Empire with distinction and honor.” The will of the Empire can at times require great sacrifice and on pushing aside prejudice to accomplish something. Meta, a rare form of Tek, allows for the modification of Soulgiven and gifts them with the ability to draw Psi energy from internalized batteries found inside their […]


Darker Dungeons: The Five Races

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings We have delved repeatedly into how to build a world and manipulate the points of interest that go into designing it. This is our opening work which allows the creator to decide the basics of the world, and how to […]


What the Sierd is Warp Tek?

“The essence is life, and the essence is death.” -Gwarish Proverb The Gwagaruh were the first species to show native manipulation of PSI and have proven repeatedly over the centuries their deadly precision of psionic powers. Unlike the implants of Stem-Tek, Gwarish genics mutate a series of biological nodes that allow them to hone heir […]


Themes: Urban Fantasy

“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching — they are your family. ” -Jim Butcher When fantasy leaves the confines of older periods of history it starts to linger into the modern day. From the world of the penny dreadful was awakened a love of horror, blood, and mystery. […]


Themes: High Fantasy

“History often resembles myth, because they are both ultimately of the same stuff.” -J.R.R. Tolkien   At its heart fantasy is about escapism. When we dream of mighty elves battling orcs on the fields of Pelennor in the Return of the King we are walking away from reality and walking into a word of the fantastic. […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 23: LiTS Roll System

The basis of the system is a D20 (Twenty Sided Dice) rolled for each participant. Players who participate each roll a D20, and the highest number wins all. If players have a related skill to the roll they can turn the rank into a modifier (a number added) applied to the roll. If you want […]


Walk Between Shadows | Chapter 23 – Confrontation

 DISCLAIMER – This story features images of violence, adult language, and some adult situations. The following story is Copyright © 2015 Padraig O’C. Copying this story without permission from the author is strictly prohibited. The stairs passed through one more floor, and she ignored the locked doors on either side. Running past the landing she then made […]