Tag: Publishing


July 2018 Newsletter

Pride month has finally left us and while May was a hard month, June was a bit of fresh air! Unlike previous months I have had a good amount of energy to move forward with ThreeFold Seer. However, the major focus for a lot of my plans for the month heavily focused on Seattle Pride. […]


May 2018 Newsletter

April has come and gone and has been a semi-productive with a lot of work being completed on ThreeFold Seer. The work itself took a lot of effort because of a very long period of depression which has hit me since March. The amount of change experienced at my day job has included a lot […]


April 2018 Newsleter

April has come, and it has come on a sad note. This last month has been quite stressful as a friend of mine passed away in the last few weeks and the stress of the loss has hit me hard. This has coincided with an increase in my hormone dosage and I think it’s causing […]


March 2018 Newsletter

February was a stressful month filled with new discoveries and considerations. The latest thing to occur this month is an ongoing challenge continuing into March which will see five new Sk’eeo words invented a day. So far close to more than thirty of the things have been added to the dictionary. When this challenge is […]


Nov & Dec 2017 Newsletter

A month has passed and a small unexpected hiatus. This last month or so a lot of change in my life caused an abrupt shifted in my life. I have a new puppy as well as a new day job which has changed life enough for me to lose track of time. In particular, this […]


October 2017 Newsletter

Fall is officially here as the time of the long nights return! Samhain is just around the corner and the Fae and our remembered past ones will soon return. Hello from DasWyrd your resident indie LGBT publisher who has a few practicing folkore buffs are ready to celebrate a few good old pagan holidays and […]


Themes: The Weird West

“Mm. I was always more comfortable around numbers than people. I could control numbers. “ The Swede, Hell on Wheels If Dreadpunk had a western cousin then it would be the Weird West, a fantasy driven genre which takes the American romanticized Wild West and injects all the beloved mythology often attached to it. The […]


August 2017 Newsletter

August has come! And already our newsletter is a bit late and I’m sorry about that. I moved to another town just a half hour south of my previous home, and I’m still setting things up to restore full DasWyrd operations. For now, however, it’s time to talk about the future and some big upcoming […]


Themes: Dreadpunk

“What we both are. I have run from the darkness for so long… only to find myself in a place darker still. ” -Vanessa Ives, Penny Dreadful What lurks in the shadows around a street corner? What requires eldritch fright to power its cthonian power? Is it the second coming of prophecies long forgotten? Or […]


Darker Dungeons: Choosing a Theme

At the heart of every creation are the themes which inspired it, and form its foundation. Previously, we discussed the reasons why and how to choose a foundation. From therein the creator forms and decides how their work will evolve. Part of making that foundation and weaving the creative result is what themes an artist […]