Tag: robots


What Sierd is Avalonic Techonology? Part 1

“We shall become not unlike gods with the power we possess.” -Agathe the Wise, Technologist of the Alchemists Guild The history of the Triad and beyond is driven by infrequent manifestations of technological glory. Some among even the Faeru have often wondered why the technological advancement of the Avalon Cluster has come in such a […]


Who the Sierd are the Soulgiven?

The Enaroydyr or the Soulgiven are a race of Synthetic beings, robotic or android creatures that come in a variety of forms. From the nearly completely ditigal TALOS to the near faerin humanoid look Homunculi they are united in the existence of enslavement. The Soulgiven are the prodigal children of the Faeru who were born […]