Tag: Scifi



Just over a week remains until I walk in to take the General Record Examinations, or the infamous GRE. This is a test (for those of you who have forgotten about it, or don’t know about it) that is aimed at admissions for graduate programs. Surprised to say I did not know I needed to […]


Who the Sierd are the Helogav?

Some call them the Star-Lepers, the Plagued, the Phage-Carriers. Their name in Elder Tongue is Helogaemh which means “The Corrupted”. The youngest race in the history of the Avalon Cluster, is also the most tumultuous and chaotic since the creation of the Soulgiven. Born not from genetics, nor from manipulation or even a cult the Helogav […]


Work Progress Update

Time for a minor update on latest goings on. The past few weeks have been a bit more than a little intense as I prepare for the upcoming application season. I say season because there are a decent list of schools including Simon Fraser University, Brookes University, and Drexel University. These various schools offer a […]


Who the Sierd are the Arashii?

Their name was the Araishaeránnu, the Returned Ones, the cybernetic dead who would become some of the greatest smiths and scientists in the Triad. The creation, and birth of the Arashii (a derivative of their Elder Tongue name) began with a project known as Dark Scarab, a secretive attempt to prolong life in the strange […]


Who the Sierd are the Gwagaruh?

The Gwagaruh were born from an act of complete arrogance ordered by the ruling Emperors of the First Faerin Star Empire. An act that to this day is often simply called the “Spider’s Folly”. Once locked away in cursed sarcophagi the Progenitors of the Gwagaruh were released into the Avalon Cluster. These monstrosities soon took […]