Tag: space opera


July 2017 Newsletter

Can it be that we’re already in the seventh month of 2017? By the gods it feels like time is flying by this year with new events happening every day! This month will be a bit light in content compared to the previous months as its summer and there are some life changes happening for […]


What the Sierd is Warp Tek?

“The essence is life, and the essence is death.” -Gwarish Proverb The Gwagaruh were the first species to show native manipulation of PSI and have proven repeatedly over the centuries their deadly precision of psionic powers. Unlike the implants of Stem-Tek, Gwarish genics mutate a series of biological nodes that allow them to hone heir […]


May 2017 Newsletter

April passed so quickly this year and so much happened in that time! We attended our very first convention and we received our first pointed review. Both experiences bore their ups and downs, and afterward DasWyrd is strengthened by the experience all for the better. The first major thing to consider is a review posted […]


Darker Dungeons: Choosing a Theme

At the heart of every creation are the themes which inspired it, and form its foundation. Previously, we discussed the reasons why and how to choose a foundation. From therein the creator forms and decides how their work will evolve. Part of making that foundation and weaving the creative result is what themes an artist […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 30: Taro – The Art of Ways

Psionics and martial arts meld to create Taro, the Art of Ways. Tarospices (the name given to Tarot users) manipulate energy through movement and the connection they have with their weapons. Tarospex draw inspiration from martial animate and warrior classes across history. The Samurai, the Knights of Europe, and even the Dog Soldiers all played […]


March 2017 Newsletter

Hello Wyrdkin! Did you enjoy February? Because we did! A lot happened this past February including a jump in traffic to our website and increasing interest in our publications. But enough about that, let’s talk about what we are planning on doing in for the final month of the First Quarter of 2017!   Quarter […]


Themes: Cyberpunk

Mana du vortes, mana due vortes. Aeria gloris. There are many people who believe in the the singularity where humanity and machine will meld to become the next level of sentience. Perhaps, this is also a possibility in that alien life may, in fact, be revealed to be a form of hyper intelligence. I believe in the […]


January 2017 Newsletter

The year 2016 was a mixed bag for most of the world. A lot of really annoying things happened and we lost a lot of just simply great and pivotal people this year. We saw the United Kingdom vote to “Brexit” from the European Union, and the United States elected simply the worst president since […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 28: Tek and Psi Intro

It is time to discuss the powers of the mind known as Tek in the LITS universe! Tek is the power to manipulate the rare Genic mutation which gifts the user to unleash powerful attacks of Psionic energy! In Land in the Stars these individuals come in three variants. Errants who serve as the warrior […]


December 2015 Newsletter

November ends, and the last month of 2016 has begun. This year, in reflection, has been one of the toughest, and yet the most rewarding years in my life, and that of DasWyrd. We set out to publish our first novel and not only did we accomplish that but we are on tract to completing […]