Tag: space romance


What the Sierd are Avalonic Starships? Part 3

“Drop sail-shift, change to half fusion, open gun ports ensign!” Throughout the Sea of Stars a variety of spacecraft sail through the depths of the vacuum. Most are registered with the internal archives of the Artificiers Guild and others are hidden from the sight of the Triad. Legends are abound of ghost ships, lost civilizations […]


What the Sierd are Avalonic Starships? Part 2

“Its a hard enough life, full of toil an’ strife we astraliners undergo!” The life of those who work the star lanes is far from easy and is one filled with trouble. Every astraliner knows that the Sea of Stars is far from forgiving. Only a few thin layers of seal protect everyone who sails […]


What the Sierd are Avalonic Starships? Part 1

“Drop to Sail-shift and prepare to fire.” The Avalonic Starship is a thing of terror, beauty, and over-wrought elegance. A recreation of ancient sailing vessels that once plied the seas of Elys and Aru. These combinations have changed over time as the need for design and defense have further evolved the ongoing standardization of solar […]


What the Sierd is Avalonic Technology? Part 3

“To know war, is to truly live.” -Ice-Razor proverb The Ice-Razor School has a simple proverb, “To know war, is to truly live. To know peace, is to await death.” A saying that epitomizes the near constant state of war that has existed since the First Expansion Era. Even when the Faeru were at peace […]


Themes: Space is an Ocean

“Take me out to the black, tell ’em I ain’t coming back!” -The Ballad of Serenity Space is big. very big. That’s just obvious. But in writing, movies, and shows there is a sense of how to treat the notion of space. This can be seen in certain early space operation series such as Star […]


What Sierd is Avalonic Techonology? Part 1

“We shall become not unlike gods with the power we possess.” -Agathe the Wise, Technologist of the Alchemists Guild The history of the Triad and beyond is driven by infrequent manifestations of technological glory. Some among even the Faeru have often wondered why the technological advancement of the Avalon Cluster has come in such a […]


Themes: Grey Morality

‘They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war I shall forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest gun shall they be armed. They […]


Walk the Crossroads | Episode 14: Jades, Elder Folk, and Demons

This week we discuss the final three primary religions of the Avalon Cluster (that we know of). First being the Jaded Path, a religion dedicated to finding one’s inner Tranquility and awakening from the Despair around them. Second, the Thousandfold, an ancient series of shamanic traditions united in the face of heavy persecution from the […]


What the Sierd of the Third Imperial Era?

Trystan’s sacrifice is on my soul, his blood is on arms, his voice is on my lips, and his desire in my heart. -Gwyn oc Artur, Warrior-Queen of Avalon The Third Imperial Era opens in a time of upheaval as the death of Trystan oc Artur catapults the once backwater family of Artur to power […]