Tag: themes


Themes: Magical Girl

“In the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!” -Sailor Moon, Leader of the Sailor Senshi Ah yes, life is complicated and it’s all due to some little magical item in your life. Be it an artifact gifting you the power of an ancient warrior, the point of the Magical Girl Genre is how modern […]


Dark Dungeons: The Kingdom

“No matter what happens kid, you done good.” -Narrator, The Bastion Most if not all major myths and tales place in the mythical Kingdom or Nation which acts as the ubiquitous Damsel-In-Distress of lands. Hyrule, the Capital Wasteland or perhaps or a combination of various countries such as Rohan and Gondor in Middle Earth. In other […]


Themes: Steampunk

Fires, flood and earthquake will be conquered and controlled. We are the ones who shall bring the power of science to all humanity like a shimmering gift of God! -Edward, Steamboy tWhat would the world be like if we still used steam power, and strove to advance science in that vain? What if the world […]


Themes: Clear Evil

On a similar note I must confess to you, I’m giving very serious thought… to eating your wife. -Hannibal Lector What defines evil? Is it that sadistic love of eating someone? Or is it the questionable ethics of the businessman. Last week I discussed Ethics and different layers of morality. The very notion of evil is questionable […]


Themes: Ethics

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Ethics are an interesting subject to ponder when writing. What kind of morals are your characters going to have? Is the world driven by black and white systems of seeing the world? Or is it all grimdark like Warhammer 40k? […]


Counting the Nine

The Oaken Heart seats the Horned King who watches over all. The Raven Queen Judges, and the Circle Gods prepare for the end. ~Death Prayer of Rael     The Nine Worlds of Crenhu Thaor (The World Tree), are held in the boughs that connect the realms of the Nine. These include many from the […]