Tag: Update


February 2018 Newsletter

This year is proving to be off to a productive start! Earlier last month when I moved to do some serious running I sadly found a lot of my progress on ThreeFold Seer Vol. 2 to be missing. Apparently, an entire series of chapters from 21 back to 13 had simply vanished. The next two […]


September 2017 Newsletter

Almost a year ago, a lot was going on that would make or break DasWyrd Press. I personally went away and moved to the United Kingdom for a year and last year marked a return from that period of training. Now, a year at home has passed us by and life is still changing. My […]


August 2017 Newsletter

August has come! And already our newsletter is a bit late and I’m sorry about that. I moved to another town just a half hour south of my previous home, and I’m still setting things up to restore full DasWyrd operations. For now, however, it’s time to talk about the future and some big upcoming […]


March 2017 Newsletter

Hello Wyrdkin! Did you enjoy February? Because we did! A lot happened this past February including a jump in traffic to our website and increasing interest in our publications. But enough about that, let’s talk about what we are planning on doing in for the final month of the First Quarter of 2017!   Quarter […]


January 2017 Newsletter

The year 2016 was a mixed bag for most of the world. A lot of really annoying things happened and we lost a lot of just simply great and pivotal people this year. We saw the United Kingdom vote to “Brexit” from the European Union, and the United States elected simply the worst president since […]


December 2015 Newsletter

November ends, and the last month of 2016 has begun. This year, in reflection, has been one of the toughest, and yet the most rewarding years in my life, and that of DasWyrd. We set out to publish our first novel and not only did we accomplish that but we are on tract to completing […]


We Are Here For You!

The DasWyrd Team and the Wyrdkin Community is here for everyone hit hard by recent events in the United States. Why you may be feeling emotions of fear, anxiety, and trepidation, we offer ourselves as a safe haven and space for those who need it! Our dream is to become a publisher who breaks boundaries […]


October 2016 Newsletter

Hey, everyone! This past month has been very quiet from us here at DasWyrd Press and especially me. The crunch that occurred happened because of the project I needed to finish my master’s degree. This resulted in me having to push the completion of the epub, and focusing a lot of time on making sure […]


September 2016 Newsletter

Another month passes us by and work at DasWyrd Press grows ever closer to our final goal for this year. Over a year ago we pitched the idea of writing a book and then turned I brought the idea of launching a publishing company as a project. Even now I work on the final design […]


June 2016 Newsletter

The Six Goddesses smile upon you all, and welcome to the June 2016 Newsletter! In the past month there have been some very nice gains for DasWyrd as our projects move forward. We have officially crossed the 3,000 follower threshold on our twitter account and well over 2,000 likes on Facebook. Our presence in other areas […]