Tag: Writing


Vacation Time!

This past week I mentioned the upcoming addition of a new Gazetteer! I will be adding the first essay, a write up on the Amazones after I return from vacation this next weekend! With that being said, I will be posting some pictures, and also a few comments about my experiences! My trip will begin […]


Counting the Nine

The Oaken Heart seats the Horned King who watches over all. The Raven Queen Judges, and the Circle Gods prepare for the end. ~Death Prayer of Rael     The Nine Worlds of Crenhu Thaor (The World Tree), are held in the boughs that connect the realms of the Nine. These include many from the […]


Mid-Jan Updates, and Editing is Killer

This is the first time I’ve seriously gone through something bigger than fifty pages and done some seriously editing. I do not count my work on my lengthy previous college papers as they were double spaced, and were in general double checked by a parent. Yeah, having a college professor as your mom can be […]