What the Sierd is the Founder’s Era?


What the Sierd is the Founder’s Era?

“When we first looked at the stars some saw opportunity; others saw our lost gods; the rest saw freedom.”

~DA-12003-02, Soulgiven Attendant to House Tyr

The beginning of life in Avalon is hard to place. Some across the entire Triad have found evidence of earlier settlement, and others have located archaeological sources that have shown that others once claimed the entirety of Avalon as their own. Yet once the Faeru arrived through the World’s Gate that all apepars to change. All pre-history of early settlement ends, and Faerin history begins. The Star-Fall calendar began as the dissidents from Altear found themselves in world without magic, and without any support.

The Founder’s Era was so named as it marked the only time in Avalonic History that the Immortals of Altear would rule over the Faeru. As guardians, and then later as tyrants, the Faeru themselves would learn much from their long lived god-like rulers. It was through the Immortals that the Faeru would learn how to rule, how to politik, and how to enforce the rule of law. To the Faeru, the Immortals were the descendants of gods, and so cults easily sprang up around the rulers of the worlds.


The Founders Themselves

Little is known about the Faeru before they came to the Avalon Cluster. What is known is that they were banished from Altear for acts against the will of the High King (or as it is stated in the canon of the Silver Creed). Those that ruled over them for hundred of years were members of the primary Immortal dynasties. Primary among them was the Hermid Dynasty of Elys, and the Osirid family of Aru. Both families steadily came to control their respect worlds, and were supplied with power via the World’s Gate for years. However, as the two dynasties would face increasing odds and rebellion against their power.

Much of the modern interpretation of the Founder’s Era is mixed heavily with legend. It was under the rule of the Immortals that the beginnings of the divide between Starborn and Worldborn would begin. And, it was when the touches of longetivity began to leave the ancient bloodlines that the seeds of the Cult of the Dead would be sown. Each action by the Founders created irreversible ripples across the history of the entire Triad. Under the rule of Osiris the IV and the V rampant disunity would lead to the fracturing of ancient Arun society. These divisions would then lace themselves into the modern descendants of those who fled to the Stars.

But as their lives waned, the Children of the Immortals created financial empires in the growing years. Eventually their wealth would allow them to buy nations, and eventually make themselves into neo-feudal nobility.


The Ongoing Repurcussions

The Founder’s Era was when all the bricks of the future were laid. It was upon the core worlds of Elys and Aru where the ancient ties of Worldborn and Starborn were broken. It was where many of the modern ethnic groups of the Faeru developed their current identities. Many consider it a time of legends, but the truth was it was merely the stepping stone to where the Faeru are today. Even though the Founder’s Era was so short, and so minute, it has produced probably the longest lasting problems to date. The rule of the Immortal dynasties influenced, and set the pace for the Faerin ideologies of grandeur. It was their almost god-like presence that created the basis for the Silver Creed, and the other faiths including the Thousandfold shamanistic traditions.

Why the Faeru hold the Founder’s Era in such regard even subconsciously is a complicated issue. The Founder’s Era is so significant as it marked the only time in history when the Faeru still had a tangible connection with their homeworld. After the World’s Gate closed forever in 573 Star-Fall the Faeru did their best to make do. As the descendants of rebels against the High Crown of Altear they were not sure how to react. Many simply went on with their lives, while others did the exact opposite they clung to old values and created new ones.